Thursday 28 June 2007

Lorna Gow at Morocco Restaurant

On Thursday night me and some friends went to Morocco in Edinburgh to see Lorna performing. Morocco is a restaurant that has live bellydancers most nights of the week, and when we heard Lorna was coming back over from Cairo (where she seems to be building her career and having a great time - I'm so jealous!), we just had to go. This was the first time I'd ever been, and I only wish I'd had enough money to go back yesterday and see her.

She was amazing!!!! Honestly, all the time watching her, all I could think was wow! I mean, she was good before, well great before, but since going to Cairo, she's just got . . . . well, wow! Her shimmies went on forever, she has amazing stomach muscle control, she's sooooo snaky . . . I could go on forever about how great she is. Her dancing is so beautful, and inspiring. I want to practice all day every day now, just to get to a fraction of how good she is. She'll be at Raqs Britannia doing a workshop - if you ever get the chance to go see her, whether at Raqs Britannia or elsewhere, then do so!

The food was great too, but I'm glad I ate before Lorna came on, otherwise the food would have just sat there while I stared open-mouthed at her. Even now, two days later, I'm still open-mouthed at the memory of her dancing. I'm so glad I went to see her. Lol, first time ever, the food is secondary to my thoughts!

I'd better stop now, otherwise this post will just turn into a big hyperpole-fest, and that wouldn't do justice to Lorna at all! I'm off to practice dancing!

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