The BPT also has over 300sts on the needles right now. It's knit top-down, and I'm at that bit where I'm almost finished the shoulders but not quite, so it's taking a long time to finish those rows too. I'm alternating between the two projects, hoping the long rows will be over soon. Gargh, if only my gauge had been right the shawl would have been done by now!

(Garhgh. Whoever said natural light was best for photos????? The green in the sweater is supposed to be much darker and richer, and generally more lovely. I'll take a better pic and post that soon)
It made me think about just how many stitches are in a project like a sweater or shawl. There must be thousands! If I could be bothered I'd work out the maths, but I don't really need to - I have just suddenly realised how much work goes into making these projects I do as a hobby. It doesn't seem like much as I'm doing it cos it's one stitch at a time, but I guess it must build up!
I am liking both these patterns, and I'm totally excited to finish and get the finished products. I think I've got my big project mojo back now - it felt like ages I was stuck only wanting to make small things, and couldn't think of what to use my yarn for (despite my ravelry queue which is now 1200+), but now I have the yarn set aside for three more sweaters, and I want to make tons and tons of shawls. I'm getting quite a collection as it is :) I'm really excited and want to do all of them at once. But, I can only do one stitch at a time.
Hmmm, I'm thinking there's a life lesson there ;)