Saturday, 21 February 2009

Eep! Isis Wings Tonight!!!!!!

It's finally beginning to hit me that tonight, I have an Isis wings performance!!!! I was kind of hoping to ignore that fact till I got up on the floor, but it doesn't look like that plan of attack is going to work :( I'm all shaky and nervous.

I don't normally get nervous till 5 mins before I have to perform, but for some reason I'm more scared of dancing with Isis Wings. I don't know why, since the drama of the wings actually takes a lot of the pressure off me. People are more busy watching the shiny wings than looking to see if I've made a small mistake :) But maybe the drama makes me feel like I have to step up my performance, and I feel like I have to live up to the shininess of the wings. I don't know exactly what it is, but right now, I'm dreading it. I'm on 2nd from last too, so I'll have the whole show to dread it!!

Part of the problem is probably that I haven't actually practiced with my wings to this song for quite a while, a few weeks at least (no space in the house). I've been listening to the song all day, and thinking of what I'm planning to do, but I think I'll end up forgetting my plan after the first section, like I normally do, and have to improvise. EEEEEEEP! And the song feels so loooooong when I'm listening to it. Who'd have thought 4:56 could feel like an eternity? Why didn't I pick a shorter song? :D (I'm dancing to Aziza by Hossam Ramzy)

I'm sure it'll be fine really, I'm just working myself up into a tizzy for nothing. I just thought I'd come on t'internets and whine a little :)


Samsara said...

Wow! I just love the look of Isis wings and you picked a really good track to dance to! It does feel quite long though, but I'm sure when you dance to it, it'll fly by! :-) I bet you'll be fine, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you anyway! :-)

Zu said...

Wow that does sound kinda scary. I looked up the isis wings and they're not only beautiful, but big! I bet you did fine though and everyone enjoyed the performance. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I couldn't wish you good luck, but I'm sure you did well! Hope you had a good performance. :)